November 5, 2020

How A Daily Schedule Equates To Better Sleep

We talk a lot about the importance of a nightly routine. However, your daily schedule also has a huge affect on how you sleep. Everything from when you wake up, how long you work, what time you take lunch all can change how well you sleep at night. We are going to share with you all of the ways in which your daily schedule equates to better sleep. Along with some of our top tips on how to make a daily schedule that will support great sleep.

daily schedules can greatly benefit your sleep

Lack of Routine = Lack of Sleep

getting the sleep schedule of your dreamsOur bodies thrive whenever we are on a set routine. This is because we have an internal clock which is kept straight by our routines. This clock is called our circadian rhythm. When we get up in the morning, take a shower, see the sunshine these actions send signals to our brain telling our circadian rhythm that it is morning and time to wake up.

Then throughout the day when we are at work or school, we know it is time to get work done. While at night when we have our nightly routines to get ready for bed and it begins to get dark outside. All of this sends signals that it is time to get ready for sleep. Our circadian rhythm takes these signals and sends out different hormones in order to wake us up and send us to sleep.

Without a proper routine, our circadian rhythm gets all confused. This can lead to making it difficult to go to sleep at night as well as wake up on time in the morning.

How A Daily Schedule Carries Into A Sleep Schedule

schedule your day for better sleepThe quality of your sleep does not begin simply whenever you start getting ready for bed. Your daily schedule from when you wake up, to your lunch break, and so on all have an affect on how you will sleep in the evening.

If you sleep in longer than usual, you may have trouble going to bed on time. While your afternoon coffee break may also make it difficult to go to sleep at night. If you wake up earlier than usual, you may feel the urge to go to sleep earlier as well. Any changes to your typical daily schedule can have an affect on how you sleep in the evenings.

The more set your daily routine is, the more routine and set your sleep schedule will be as well. Just like relaxing on a inflatable in smooth even water. One cannon ball on the other side of the pool will send waves of affect throughout the rest of the pool. Consistency in schedule keeps your water smooth and steady.

Create Lists For Better Productivity & Results

set your daily scheduleWhen you create lists, this takes the burden off of your mind for having to remember all the many things bouncing around inside your head. While it make not seem like it takes a lot of energy trying to remember all of these small things. It acts as a sort of juggling act for your mind. One or two things is fine and easy, but if you add too many elements something is bound to get dropped.

It can be exhausting trying to remember every little thing. Creating lists and writing things like dates for events down can makes a huge difference in your stress levels. As we all know, when your stress is low you tend to sleep much better.

How To Stay On Schedule

make a list of what you need to accomplishSetting alarms is a great way to stay on schedule. With our handy dandy smart phones and other electronics. It has become incredibly easy to set alarms for yourself for all sorts of reasons. You can set alarms for when you should be finishing one project and starting another at work.

You can even set alarms to tell you when it is time to start getting ready for bed. Time can easily pass us by. They world and our lives are full of distractions. Having a little help with am alarm is a great way to stay on schedule and not let time simply pass you by.

Working Late Often Lowers Productivity:

why you shouldnt work lateSometimes you have a deadline tomorrow morning, and the only time left you have to finish is tonight.

Things happen, and we understand that. However, if you are simply working late because you think it will somehow boost your productivity. Then you may find that you are in fact mistaken.

While you might get more done than you would if you left on time, you are not working at your peak performance time. Making you less productive during those hours of work. If you continuously work late it can even make the following days and weeks of work less productive and lacking focus due to being on an off schedule.

Your Circadian Typology could change what schedule works best for you. Click the link to find out what chronotype you are. Chronotypes: Your Circadian Typology

Creating A Daily Schedule For Better Sleep:

We must admit, schedules help in so many scenarios. Though it may sound funny to create a schedule for better sleep, it isn’t necessarily that out of the box. By putting things down on paper, it allows us to make a more conscious effort to stick to a plan. Which eventually will turn into a habit that will last.

1) Determine Desired Wake Time

time to wake up in the morningKnowing when you need to wake up in the morning is typically the easiest part of determining your schedule.

You know you need to be up at a certain time in order to do everything you need to and get to school or work on time. Or perhaps you are a morning person and you also like to schedule in a bit of a workout or extra time to journal or relax with a cup of coffee.

Either way, figure out what time you would like to be up and running in the morning and then you can work your schedule around from there.

Start your day off right by making your bed. Click the link to learn Why You Should Make Your Bed EVERY Morning

2) Determine Bedtime Options

determine when you want to go to sleepOnce you know what time you would like to be starting your days in the morning. This will help you figure out when the best times for you to go to sleep are.

While we typically suggest 6-8 hours of sleep per night for adults, choosing the time you go to sleep can significantly change how rested you feel when you wake up.

We are referring to choosing your sleep schedule, that allows you to wake up during a lighter phase of your sleep cycle. This means if you schedule your sleep properly, you could have less time sleeping but actually wake up feeling better rested, less foggy, and ready to take on your day.

Sometime it can take a while to determine when your lighter phases of sleep are. However, sleep calculators do a great job at estimating lighter sleep cycles.

Click to learn How To Fix Your Sleep Schedule

3) Lunch Break

have lunch at the same time every dayAs much as possible, try to eat lunch around the same time every day. Our circadian rhythms control much more than just our sleep schedule.

It is also in control of our energy levels, when we feel productive, when we feel hungry, and so on. By fueling your body with food at the same time every day you will experience a more balanced energy level with less dips and peaks.

This tends to lead you into wanting to eat dinner around the same time each day as well. Again, the more you can maintain a steady and consistent daily schedule. The more steady and consistent your sleep will be.

What you eat can also change how you sleep. Learn about the benefits of low carb diets in our post: Does The Ketogenic Diet Affect Your Sleep?

4) Schedule When to STOP Drinking Caffeine:

set a time to stop caffeineCulturally we love caffeinated beverages. Hot coffees, iced coffee, energy drinks, lattes, iced tea, soda and so on are all well loved and enjoyed pretty much all day long. However, even if you see yourself as immune to the affects of caffeine. It can still greatly disrupt your sleep.

The affects of caffeine can stick around for up to 6 hours after your last drink. Which is why we suggest being awake of your bed time and scheduling a time of day where you know this is the latest you want to be drinking caffeine before bed. You may be surprised by how much this can change your quality of sleep.

Learn more about Caffeine Free: The Benefits of Quitting Caffeine

5) Schedule A Nap

have a nap at the same time dailyA tip for those who just love a good nap. We suggest scheduling a time frame in which you can take your naps. Whether it is a part of your lunch break, once you get home from work or school, or whatever works best within your schedule.

We also suggest setting a time limit for your naps. If you start getting deep into your sleep cycle you may wake up feeling even more tired than when you started.

It can also throw off your sleep cycle entirely. Typically 15 – 30 minutes is a great amount of time to get a quick refresh of energy. Without risking dipping into a full sleep cycle.

Click to learn more about the benefits of napping. The Art Of Napping: The Long & Short Of Naps

6) Daily Exercise 

exercise everyday If you love to workout then we suggest having a set time for your workouts. It does not particularly matter whether you love to workout at night, first thing in the morning, or midday. Just as long at your stick to the workout schedule that works for you.

Working out can really increase your energy levels in the day while also increasing the urge to sleep in the evenings. Which really makes for a great combination when it comes to a healthy sleep schedule.

However, if you change up when you sleep it can could change when you’re feeling pumped and ready to go vs when you are in need of a little bit of sleep. Working out at the same time everyday can help you stay on schedule.

Learn more about the benefits working out has on your sleep in our post: Exercise and Sleep

How A Daily Schedule Equates To Better Sleep – Final Thoughts:

It may be surprising but your daily schedule really does have an affect on how you sleep at night. We hope this post not only revealed how your daily schedule affects your sleep, but also gave you a few tips on creating a great schedule for better sleep. Getting your schedule right can greatly increase your overall sleep quantity and quality.

go to sleep

If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us. We would love to help answer your questions.